How to Fold and Organize Fabric

My fabric stash has multiplied as I have been unable to contain myself in finding fun fabric from thrift stores to use in my Sparkle Day Design wreaths. I’m not just talking about fabric from a bolt, but also shower curtains, lace panel curtains, sheets, table cloths..seriously this stuff excites me.

I recently put a kibosh on the fabric sourcing until I start using what I have.

Yay lots of material to work with.

Boo the chaos of the stash. I’ve tried rolling fabric to display on shelves, folding it in boxes, and shoving rolls in boxes.  Now I am inspired.

Someday soon I’m gonna measure those IKEA shelves downstairs and find some blank space somewhere to fold away. I sense a Before and After coming.

I wonder if the harder part is keeping it looking nice once I get it all folded…


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